Sovereign Financing
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Legal Disclaimer

Investor(s) shall pay the cooperational FUND MANAGER for services rendered pursuant to this Warranted Fund Management Agreement An initial fee of USD 10.000,00 USD and an annual fee calculated in accordance with the fee schedule that follows. At the option of the Investor(s), fees for the first year shall be payable one-half upon acceptance of funds into the program and the remaining one-half on the last day of the calendar year. At the option of the Investor(s), fees for each subsequent year shall be payable by the aforementioned methods and will be based on the MARKET VALUE of the account as of the anniversary date. The FUND MANAGER fee, which accrues daily and is based upon the net asset value of the account on the anniversary date of this agreement, includes such costs as bookkeeping, record-keeping, account set up procedures and maintenance, computer monitoring of funds, sales expenses, etc.

Warranted Fund Management Service Fee Schedule:

Assets Under Management Incremental % Fee Maximum Fee*

$ 20,000-$ 199,999  3.00%$         5,999.97 
$ 200,000-$ 499,999 2.50%$       12,499.98
$ 500,000-$999,999 2.25%$       22,499.98
$1,000,000-$1,999,999 2.00%$       39,999.98
$2,000,000-$4,999,999 1.75%$       87,499.98
$5,000,000-$9,999,999              1.50%$     149,999.99
$10,000,000-$19,999,999 1.25%$     249,999.99
$20,000,000-$49,999,999  1.00%$     499,999.99
$50,000,000-$99,999,999 0.90%$     899,999.99
$100,000,000-$499,999,999 0.80%$  3,999,999.99
$500,000,000-$999,999,999 0.70%$  6,999,999.99
$1,000,000,000 and morenegotiable     negotiable

*Exceptions may be made by FUND MANAGER.

Minimum Fee:       $600.00                                   Minimum Account: $20,000.00


If the FUND MANAGER is going to increase the fee, the FUND MANAGER must notify the Investor(s) in writing one year in advance of the scheduled implementation of the fee increase.

The Agreement shall be automatically renewed on an annual basis unless terminated by Investor(s) in writing within thirty (30) days of the anniversary date. The Agreement is terminable by Investor provided he gives written notification of such to FUND MANAGER. Upon receipt of notification of termination, $600 of the original fee is retained as a direct cost for establishing the account and is not refundable. If no switch has occurred, an amount calculated by multiplying the annual fee by the ratio which the number of months under contract bears to twelve (12) months shall be assessed and returned to the Investor(s), less the $600 set-up cost. However, if a switch has occurred, then, 50% of the annual fee over $600 is refundable on a pro rata basis; if two or more switches have occurred, 25% of the annual fee over $600 is refundable on a pro rata basis.

The Agreement may be cancelled in writing within five (5) business days of the date of the contract. All deposits then received will be refunded in full; otherwise all terms and conditions as stated are binding.

We are always selecting Fund Managers who are duly authroised and licensed in the country they are working.