Sovereign Financing
Project Financing
Venture Capital
Financial Management
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Our Philosophy: Think the feasible, do the conceivable  

Our Goal:    Help to solve all the difficult  problems our customers face 

Service Focus

1. Management
Top-Management Consulting Interfunctional Holistic Problem-solving Consulting and Implementation Mergers and Acquisitions  Corporate Planning Development of Corporate Strategies Operations Research Takeover of Management Tasks Contacts to the Health Ministers in the different countries (lobbying)

2. Organization
Structural & Procedural Organization Mergers & Acquisitions Value Engineering Organization of R&D, Production, Logistics and Quality Dep. Matrix and Tensor Organization Project management Optimization of Structures  (i.e. Sales, Distribution etc.)

3. R&D
Improvement of Innovation Effectiveness trough our innovative "R&D portfolio management" Interface Optimization (regional and local; between Research and Development; Development and Marketing) In- and Out-licensing (Drugs, Registrations and R&D Projects)

4. Marketing
Marketing Skills for the OTC-Pharmaceutical Sector Reps sales improvement trough "Customer portfolio management" PR Actions Development of Marketing Strategies International Consulting Introduction in difficult countries Finding the right sales partnership  Marketing & Distribution Consulting Competitive Advantage & Strategy

5. Communication and Culture

With representative offices in Berlin, Paris, Madrid, London, Milan, Geneva, Washington thus reducing expenses and other costs for our customers

Our three major fields, i.e.     

a. Business Strategies  
b. Organization and 
c. Marketing

make 52% of the total turnover with a high share of satisfied customers