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Venture capital
financing is one
of the important
parts of IFC

We're working with leading companies of all sizes as well as with financial institutions and governmental agencies across the world, providing deep insight and ressources to help our clients succeed.

IFC Venture Capital provides capital, know-how, management support and a large network of industry experts to selected new technology enterprises and innovative entrepreneurs in the life science and in the high technology sector of industry.

With our product COMINVEST 2010’s support, our portfolio companies can significantly accelerate their growth or if they are a start-up their entry into the market and prepare for rapid growth.

IFC and the entrepreneurs become business partners, sharing in both the successes as well as the possible failures. If the venture succeeds, IFC benefits by selling its shares or participation (the “exit”). If the venture fails, both IFC and the entrepreneurs loose their invested time and capital; the entrepreneurs incur no additional liabilities. The exit occurs either by going public, selling to an industrial partner, or by the entrepreneurs buying back their shares or participation. 

The central component of our investment philosophy is management.

We finance companies operated by outstanding managers who possess the ability, experience and motivation to achieve superior results. 

Value Added Partner

IFC Investment Private Equity (IFCInPE) can be particularly helpful through our participation on a company's board of directors. We can provide assistance in areas such as strategic planning, acquisitions, future financing, underwriter selection and recruitment of senior managers and outside board members. In addition, we can introduce our portfolio companies to investment bankers, accountants and legal professionals with whom we have extensive relationships.  

Non-Control Orientation

IFC Investment Private Equity (IFCInPE) can either be a majority or minority shareholder. We take particular care not to interfere with the day-to-day management of a business. We believe that successful, established companies have cultures that should not be disturbed. Instead, our experience and network of contacts enable us to make valuable contributions at the board of directors level, partnering with management to maximize the company's value.  

Long Term Perspective

e typically realize a capital gain on our investment in three to seven years. While some companies experience immediate success, others do not. Accordingly, we have the patience and resources to assist companies that need to overcome adverse circumstances. IFCInPe recognizes that good companies can take time to reach their potential.

Our investment criteria are flexible and we encourage preliminary conversations so that we can be sensitive to the unique circumstances of each investment opportunity.

Investment Size

Our investments range from US$1 million to $ 300 million of equity per transaction. Larger financing can be arranged through our strategic relationships with other private investment firms


Most importantly, we seek entrepreneurs with successful track records who have a passion for their business. While we prefer to invest in companies with a complete management team, we have the ability to work with senior management to complete the management team. 

Industry Focus 

IFC Investment Private Equity (IFCInPE) endeavors to identify industries that are projected to have the greatest growth rates over the next decade. We are ultimately seeking companies that can be leaders in their respective industries. Areas in which our investment staff has significant experience include: 
Business/Outsourcing Services  Information Technology and Telecommunication Services  Chemistry, Pharmaceuticals  and Petroleum Mining and Exploration High Technology Aeonautics and Satellites

While IFCInPe provides capital to companies at various stages of development, the capital is typically used to either
fund future working capital requirements,
to fund acquisitions,
or provide liquidity to shareholders who are either not active in the business or who wish to generate some liquidity without ceding control.


Established Companies 

IFC Investment Private Equity (IFCInPE) prefers to provide growth capital to profitable companies with $5 million to $800 million in revenues. Common characteristics of these companies include
reliable cash flow, demonstrable business economics, and high margins and earnings potential.

Most often, these companies choose to partner with IFCInPe because we can help them reach the next level of growth and ultimately maximize shareholder value.  


Management Buyouts 

IFC Investment Private Equity (IFCInPE) will work with management teams to acquire companies from either a larger parent organization or from the owners of closely held businesses. In both cases, we seek friendly situations and will work with both existing management teams as well as with outside managers who wish to purchase a business. In both circumstances, management should hold a significant interest in the acquired company.  


Private Equity in Public Companies 

IFC Investment Private Equity (IFCInPE) will provide private placement equity for select publicly traded companies. We seek businesses with an existing management team and high growth potential in situations where other appropriate forms of financing currently may not be available to successfully implement the business plan.