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We strongly believe that finance and innovation, both together, shape our future and help to solve actual and future challenges and not resolved human problems. 

Lately, the finance industry was mainly concentrated in optimising share holder value, profits and commissions and neglected their primordial role to forge our future leaving innovation, if not connected with big companies, scarce of funding. 

Therefore we do believe in challenging the status quo, we believe in thinking differently.

The way we challenge the status quo is by putting into the hands of innovators, visionaries and co-investors all the know-how accrued by large corporations utilising high-end finance models and instruments (i.e. from sophisticated portfolio techniques - to increase the chance of success - and securitisation models as well as super-insurance - to reduce risks for the investment - and other sophisticated proprietary tools)
to SECURE investment funding for difficult to finance projects of high interest.

Dr. Michael Herzog, President IFC Group

Therefore, the most promising method is to improve the finance sector investment approach regarding innovative projects- difficult to finance through other methods -in different areas (see hereto
Supplementary Information, Can Finance Engineering Cure Cancer?, Lecture2012, FAQ2013, Orphan Drugs, Moores).

Life is accelerating towards a future that is becoming ever more difficult to forecast. Everything seems to be in a state of flux. «You only continue by changing. You must change so as to be able to continue.» These pensive words by Friedrich Georg Jünger integrate permanence into change.

IFC, the specialist for asset structuring has a dual obligation: to incorporate values which survive the permanence of change, above and beyond geo­graphical borders and generations; to master the tempo and thrust of change on the business and finance markets and in science and technology, so as to utilize them with foresight and deliberation for the needs of our clients.The experienced specialists in IFC methodically expand their capabilities, using the most modern of instruments to develop innovative financial products and services. Yet what­ever the modern means of communications, the personal relationship between client and advisor remains the keystone. Lived integrity, reliability and fairness guarantees responsibility.

IFC places great emphasis on values which preserve and on change which develops. Thus the columns on which our self-image and success rest are trust, expertise and tradition. Tradition also means experience. Experience also means an incentive, a challenge. Internationally-practiced finance experts, investor friendly concepts, and modern financial instruments signify quality. A decidedly ethical impetus, strict confidentiality, and the highest international standards in accepting deposits form the basis of a good reputation. 

IFC offers its discriminating clients a wide range of advantages:Long years of experience in international trust transactions. Top quality advice. The rewards of an attractive financial concept. The concentrated expertise of IFC. Dedicated to your security – and that of your assets.